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I can't see because I'm blind with the orphan boy too. But I've to earn money to keep alive ownself.

I can't see because I'm blind with an orphan boy too. But to keep alive ownself, I must need money. Hence I've to earn money. So then what should I do? I mean which should I do work. Which skill is good for me? My interest in singing. But I am afraid to go ahead with this skill because of people's reaction.

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    No Name

    First of all, my friend please stop being afraid. I think that one fear is inside you that people will accept you not accept you. If you're thinking such so please forget it. Because people don't like anyone. In this world, we'll have to show themselves in front of the whole world. So please follow your hobby and passion. You can build a small team and after that, you can do the show. And slowly you can go towards success because of your hard work and goal.

    2019.08.01 18:0

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