Review & Rating ERGO TravelProtect Deluxe 2025

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The TravelProtect Deluxe is the highest policy that ERGO offers. The coverage includes a very high claim amount which can go as high S$1,000,000 and over 38 benefits and along with luxurious offers that comes along with it.

ERGO Insurance

ERGO Insurance Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore based registered general insurer which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ERGO Group AG, one of the leading insurance groups in Germany and Europe. The company offers an extensive range of personal insurance products from private motor to travel and personal accident; and commercial insurance coverage for commercial motor, work injury compensation, bonds, engineering, property, health, corporate personal accident and corporate travel, financial lines and marine, and endeavors to offer the best distribution facilities to its customers. It is also the chief insurance arm of Munich Re,one of the major reinsurers and risk carriers worldwide. The group's asset manager and fund provider, MEAG, regulates the investments aggregating a total of 127 billion euros. It is also regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. ERGO is constantly aiming to tailor its policies in accordance with the wishes and needs of its intermediaries and customers and hence it also seeks to forge a close bond with its intermediaries and customers.