CIMB FastSaver Account

The CIMB FastSaver Account aims to live by its name which is to help you multiply your savings the way you want to. It has a 1.80% p.a. interest rate. It is certainly hassle free as it does not require multiple conditions in order for you to earn up to 1.80% p.a. interest rate and is readily available for individuals age 16 years old and above.

CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch
CIMB (Commerce International Merchant Bankers) Group Holding Berhad is a leading ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nation) Universal Bank operating in high growth economies. The group operates under several entities including CIMB Bank, CIMB Investment Bank, CIMB Islamic, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Securities International, and CIMB Thai. It is the second-largest bank in Malaysia comprising of 534.1 billion Malaysian Ringgits worth of total assets. The group provides vasts variety of banking and financial services to its customers, whether they be a natural person or an artificial person, with its primary activities being Commercial banking, Islamic banking, investment banking, and Asset management just to name a few. The group operates with over 100 Commercial Centres and around 850 branches with co-located Trade Service Centres to its 16 global markets. The group also has a staff strength of over 36,000 located in 18 countries, covering ASEAN and major global financial centers as well as countries as in which its customers have significant business and investment dealings.
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Other products by CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB Platinum Mastercard
The CIMB Platinum Mastercard allows you to easily maximize cashback even at relatively low spend levels. You can use the low spend for medical, transport & petrol, dining, overseas travel, and electronics & furnishings expenditures.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB VISA Signature
The CIMB Visa Signature benefits more on online shopping, beauty and petcare. Take time to relax, have time for youself, pamper yourself, use CIMB Visa Signature to pay and enjoy the cash backs that you'll receive. The features and benefits will help you realx more.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB World Mastercard
CIMB World Mastercard is the getaway card to your exclusive priveleges. This card is great for affluent consumers seeking maintenance-free cashback on leisure spend, with the added benefit of great golfing privileges. No minimum spend requirement and no annual fee.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB VISA Infinite
CIMB Visa Infinite is an excellent option for high-spending consumers and travellers who prefer cashback to miles and want to avoid an annual fee. It has a Flexi-Payment With CIMB 0%. Get an Infinite cashback on all your spends. With CIMB Visa Infinite, you can avail their CIMB airport companion programme and you can also have CIMB deals and discounts.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

The CIMB AWSM Card is great for those low income working adults earning less than S$30,000/year. Their features and benefits offered are 1% cash back on dining and entertainment, online shopping, 1% cashback on all things telco, CIMB deals and discounts, and transit with ease with SimplyGo.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB CashLite
CIMB CashLite or CIMB Personal Loan seeks to help cleints get extra cash in their hands and that way they can help you out with the financial obstacles you encounter. It surely offers Low Interest Rate, Flexible Loan Tenures and a Generous Credit Lie.
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB Debt Consolidation
The goal of CIMB Debt Consolidation Plan is to let their accountholders be worry-free as it allows you to consolidate your unsecured credit facilities across all banks at an affordable and fixed installment plan with interest rates as low as 2.77% p.a. with a one-time handling fee of 1% (Effective Interest Rate of 7% p.a.a)
CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch

CIMB FastSaver-i Account
CIMB FastSaver-i is Singapore's first Shariah-compliant online savings account that provides convenience of opening your account online instantly and it also earns you a high profit rate of up to 1.80% p.a. with no fall below fees. It uses the Shariah concept of Murabahah (which means mark-up) to facilitate the deposit-taking activity from you to the bank.
It should take about a week but there are cases where it took about two weeks, especially when you apply online. However once you get your iBanking user and pin, everything should be fine and easy to access. In regards to crediting your enmergency funds to CIMB FastSaver, I would say considering you will not be touching the money there, CIMB's FastSaver will offer higher interest rate.