Questions & Answered about CIMB Bank Berhad Singapore Branch 2024

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The second-largest bank in Malaysia

CIMB (Commerce International Merchant Bankers) Group Holding Berhad is a leading ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nation) Universal Bank operating in high growth economies. The group operates under several entities including CIMB Bank, CIMB Investment Bank, CIMB Islamic, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Securities International, and CIMB Thai. It is the second-largest bank in Malaysia comprising of 534.1 billion Malaysian Ringgits worth of total assets. The group provides vasts variety of banking and financial services to its customers, whether they be a natural person or an artificial person, with its primary activities being Commercial banking, Islamic banking, investment banking, and Asset management just to name a few. The group operates with over 100 Commercial Centres and around 850 branches with co-located Trade Service Centres to its 16 global markets. The group also has a staff strength of over 36,000 located in 18 countries, covering ASEAN and major global financial centers as well as countries as in which its customers have significant business and investment dealings.

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