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What are the requirement when applying to be WSH officer?

I am a Singaporean and I work as a Fire and Safety officer. I want to apply for a registration to become a Workplace Safety and Health Officer. I am new to this which is why I wan to know the requirements in applying for a registration. I am also applying with a friend who is a workpass holder. What are the work experiences that can be considered for application?

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    You need to be at least 21 to apply. You must also be a Singaporean, PR, Employment Pass holder or S Pass holder. If you are a workpass holder just like your friend then your occupation must be a Fire and Safety Officer, Health, Safety and Environmental Officer, Safety Office or a Workplace Safety Health Officer. Yave at least one of the prescribed workplace safety and health (WSH)-related qualifications. You must have at least 2 years of work experience relevant to the work to be carried out by a WSHO.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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