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I do not know what is my job

In these places like Singapore, having a job there is one of the goals. I am working on ordinary business. In my first months working here, I know that my job is to maintain the stocks that we have in a manageable place. Lately, I have been doing some other jobs that I do not know how to do and they are blaming me for the loss. They also gave me another job which is not my field but I can manage. Is it legal to do that?

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    No Name

    Before starting your job, you are always interviewed by the human resources of the company that you are applying for. If you have passed the interview and got hired, they are giving you papers or contracts to have a document that they can use for legal rights. Now if you are doing the job of the other persons, and it is not on the contract you can appeal against them

    2020.03.24 15:44

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