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What benefits can I avail with my Person With Disabilty (PWD) card?

I am just got my (Person with Disability) PWD card and I still do not know the benefits and privileges of this card. As young as I am, I want to save money for both of my parents so I want to avail even small discounts. I wonder if there are tax exemption I could avail in any store or restaurants.

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    Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Singapore has what they call 'Purple Parade', it a list of fun activities and discounts in Singapore for PWDs and their caregivers can enjoy. Other benefits are 25% discount on public transport, car park labels for PWDs, taxi subsidy scheme, and lastly is disabled persons scheme ,it is a means-tested scheme that supports Singapore Citizens with permanent physical disabilities who are unable to use public transport (i.e. bus and/or MRT).

    2020.03.24 15:44

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