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What are the best sourcing practices?

I own a company that is growing as time passes by and I started to buy different types of services such as cleaning, security and landscaping. I want to know the best sourcing practices so that I could get more reliable services and get better value for my money at the same time let the service providers focus on giving good quality service rather than offering the lowest price.

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    Here are some of the best practices that you can do. First and most important is that you safeguard the basic employment rights of your workers. You need to ensure progressive remunerations and benefits for your workers and implement outcome-based contract by specifying service-level requirements. Recognizing factors that contribute to service quality would benefit your company as well. Providing a conducive work environment for your workers will increase productivity and lastly, you should build long-term collaborative and fair contracting partnership with your service providers.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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