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What is the Employment act of Singapore?

As an incomming employee in Singapore, I need to know all that I can about the employment act and who are covered. I need to know the rights of an employee in Singapore and the limitations or restrictions. I also need to know everything about my workright as an employee in Singapore in cases of unexpected abuse as it happens in any country aside from Singapore.

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    No Name

    The Employment Act is Singapore's main labour law. It provides for the basic terms and working conditions for all types of employees, with some exceptions. All employees under a contract of service with an employer are covered, however, you are not covered if you are employed as a:Seafarer Domestic worker andStatutory board employee or civil servant. Workright conducts annual education campaigns through media publicity and on-ground roadshows in the heartlands. Workright inspectors also conduct workplace visits to ensure employers comply with employment laws.

    2020.03.24 15:44
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    First thing first, you need to know what papers you'll be needing. You need to comply them all first. Ask some assitance about it. might help you with that. Just make sure you are ready for everything.

    2020.12.02 5:1

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