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Would I still get payed if i work on a public holiday?

It's a public holiday today however I still decided to go to work because I have nothing else to do and I need to finish my requirements at work so that I could meet the deadlines. Would I get payed if I worked on a public hokiday and how much would I get payed if I were to get payed by working on a public holiday?

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    If you work on a public holiday, by default, your employer should pay you an additional day's pay or by mutual agreement, you can get either a public holiday or time off in lieu if you are not covered by Part IV of the Employment Act If you are required to work on a public holiday, you should be paid an extra day's salary at the basic rate. If you are absent without reason the working day before or after the holiday then you are not entitled to the holiday pay. Your employer can therefore deduct one day’s pay at the gross rate from your monthly salary.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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