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What are the other alternatives to retrenchment?

Although I need to retrench some of my employees for the survival of the company, I also want to look for other alternatives. As an employer, I want employee retrenchment to be the last option or solution. What are the recommended alternatives for retrenchment and what are the other resources that I should consider?

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    As an employer, you should consider redeployment and temporary layoff's as alternatives which is also recommended by Tripartite Advisory on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment. You can redeploy employees within your company when the job scope is expanded or restructure. You can can also ask employees to stop coming to work for a short period with the following responsibilities: You must pay at least half of their gross salary and If they take annual leave on their laid off days, then you must pay them half-day pay for each day of annual leave taken. You can also implement a shorter work week. If you are an employee, you can visit NTUC and WSG for employment help. Employers canread on the reaserch done by the Ministry of Manpower on Managing Excess Manpower.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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