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Going through a lot of positions

Lately, I am being ordered by my boss to go to a lot of places to look at. I have been following since I have worked here. When I am going to these places some of the leaders or the person in charge is giving me duties to do and accomplish that they say that my boss required me to do. I have been working for my boss for a long time and have not received any instructions about that. Now I want to make clear what should I really work on.

User comments

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    No Name

    Bosses are the heads of a company that gives instructions to his people. The boss can give you commands to do some stuff that will help the company to grow. If your boss is abusing using his power to do things that are not in your job description, you might ask your human resource if it legal to that so or if they can change the contract to a more open one.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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