What are the documents required to apply for Citi Quick Cash for both a citizen and a foreigner?
I am a Singapore citizen but my friend is a foreigner, we both want to apply for Citi Quick Cash. Can someone tell me the documents that will be required from us for the application process?
No Name
I want to believe you are both new customers and are currently employed. For you, you will need a photocopy of the front and back of your NRIC, the past 12 month's CPF statement submitted via CPF website OR the latest Income Tax Notice of Assessment and latest original computerized payslip. But if you are Self-Employed by any chance then you will need a photocopy of the front and back of your NRIC, the last 2 years' Income Tax Notice of Assessment and last 3 months' bank statements. For your foreigner friend, he/she will need a photocopy of the front and back of their Passport/Employment Pass, the latest Income Tax Notice of Assessment and latest computerized payslip. If you both have all these documents then it should go well.