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Can I still renew my Crane Operator's registration even if it has expired?

My crane operator registration expred 3 years ago and I am thinking of renewing my licensce since my company are in need of employees who can operate a crane. Would it still be possible to renew my registration? If it is possible to renew my registration, what are the requiremnts and grounds for my renewal?

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    No Name

    If your registration has expired, you may need to pass a test or attend a course before renewing, but this depends on how long your license has been expired. You can proceed to renew if your license has only been expired for lesss than 6 months. You need to pIf your registration has expired, you may need to pass a test or attend a course before renewing if it has been exired from 6months to 3 years. You need to attend a refresher course and pass the test conducted by an accredited training provider if it has been expired for more than 3 years upto less than 5 years. You need to attend the full course and pass the test conducted by an accredited training provider if it has been expired for 5 years or more.

    2020.03.24 15:44

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