What should I do if my stock prices fall under 30-50%?
I am facing a great threat to my stock market. Just like magic, I woke up to see my stock plummitting down the sky. I fear that if this continues, I'll loose all of my money and would not be able to make the most of my investment. What should I do if my stock prices fall under 30-50% to prevent me from going bankrupt?
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First, you need to find out the reason(s) that caused the company’s share price to fall by 30% to 50%, and evaluate whether the situation is a temporary or permanent one. Anytime a company’s share price falls by 30% to 50%, the next thing you should check is whether the company financials are still intact. Lastly, you should check for an opportunity cost because every investment you make has an opportunity cost because you choose to invest in this option instead of another..