What agreements should I expect in a contract?
As a fresh graduate student, I am new to the field of working and business world. I am planning to pursue to get a job on my dream company that I have loved since I was a student. I tried to apply there and I am now currently called to sign some contract and other conditions to officialy start my work there. But as a fresh grad, I not know what should be in the contract. What should I do?
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As a fresh graduate student, we tend to do find a job that suits our field and can be a productive worker who likes their job. It is easy to find a job when you are a fresh graduate. But when it comes to the signing of contracts. We do not know what should be the content of the contract. Withing the contract it should have a basic terms, working agreement, annual leave and holidays, medical benifits, salary, bonuses and reimbursement, and the termination of employment.