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What are the symptoms for having dengue?

I am experiencing a high fever for the past week, I am overthinking to some illnesses or any worst case scenarios that could happen. I lack sufficient money to get a doctor but I am inferring that I could have a flu or worse, a dengue. Besides the said fever, I have also experienced headache, cough and runny nose.

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    No Name

    One must immediately go to a doctor if the symptoms you just told us is present since some symptoms may not be seen instantly but given the situation you are in, you could still go to the nearest clinic. Yet for your referral, one is considered having a dengue if experiencing fever, headache, body aches, and sometimes rash spreading from the trunk. If not all is visible to you, we can say you are just having a flu or other illness other than dengue.

    2020.03.24 15:44
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