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Close to 6.5% rebates on dining

I have held this card for quite a long time and one thing I like about the card is the fact that it is used for CapitaLand malls and they are almost everywhere. So I enjoy dining taking advantage of the 10x rewards merchants to accumulate the points faster. Imagine getting close to 6.5% rebates on dining. Not to forget their sign up bonus of $60 rebates in vouchers when you spend $1,500. That's a 4% rebate excluding the points you will earn which will convert into vouchers too.

    Please leave your knowledge and opinion!

    Recommending Reviews

    I received $20 CapitaVouchers as the sign up bonus,

    The American express CapitaCard is my first credit card and I find the sign up bonus attractive as I received $20 CapitaVouchers, which come in the form of STAR$ after being referred by my friend while my friend would receive S$30 CapitaVouchers also in the form of STAR$ after referring to me. Besides that, you can get to earn STAR$ points when shopping at Capitalmalls.

    American Express CapitaCard / American Express International

    Good for families that spend most of their time in capitaland mall for the free carpark

    I feel this card is only worth its onions because of the sign up bonus. However subsequently, it might be good for families that spend most of their time in capitaland mall for the "free carpark". Pretty much this card offers features that revolve your life around capitaland malls and if you are not excited by that then you could try other cards. By the way this is the only credit card that can be used to purchase capita vouchers

    American Express CapitaCard / American Express International

    Receive a lot of capitastar points when spending with this card

    It feels quite good to receive a lot of capitastar points when spending with this card, but still it is not really worth it to convert points to capitamall vouchers and other in-app deals are more value for money. I actually held this card for close to one year when Amex decided to charge me annual fee for second year and couldn't waive it because my spending wasn't high enough to justify the waiver, I converted it to the true cashback card.

    American Express CapitaCard / American Express International

    Customer care service at top notch

    This is my first credit card and I was pleased with the process as the application was absolutely stress free and smooth with customer care service at top notch. I actually felt taken care of and it appeared I could rely on customer care service for virtually any issue. Plus they have a simple tracking system of cashback rewards, with a good App and web UI/UX.

    American Express True Cashback Card / American Express International

    Spa privileges that come with card membership

    I find it very pleasant and rewarding the Platinum Wellness offerings of the AMEX Express Platinum Credit Card as I get to rest and replenish after a hard week at work. I treat myself to spa privileges that come with my Card Membership with spa vouchers from Adeva Spa, Spa Rael and The Ultimate. I do this one’s a week and enjoy up to 40% off à la carte spa services at Adeva Spa, Spa Rael and The Ultimate. Simply relaxing and feels good to be pampered.

    American Express Platinum Credit Card / American Express International

    Recommending Forums

    Anyone here using the AMEX CapitaCard, what are your reviews about it?

    American Express CapitaCard

    From your personal user experience, what can you share as a Key Benefits of using the Amex CapitaCard?

    American Express CapitaCard

    How do I earn more STAR$ using the American Express CapitaCard?

    American Express CapitaCard