How do I invest my CPF?
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a government. savings scheme that requires Singaporeans and permanent residents to save 20% of their salary to fund their retirement, healthcare, and housing needs.Most Singaporeans use their CPF to buy their homes but only a few know how to invest your CPF in shares. This is great however, Idon;t know how to properly invest my CPF.
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In order to start investing in shares with your CPF, you need to be at least 18 years old and not an undischarged bankrupt and have more than S$20,000 in your OA. There are two methods to calculate how much you can invest using your CPF OA. If you want to invest your CPF OA in shares, you have to open a CPF investment account with an approved CPF investment scheme (CPFIS) agent. There are only three approved CPFIS agents in Singapore, the three local banks: DBS, OCBC, and UOB..