I owe my boss
I have been in situations that I need some things to be handled with, now my boss helps me in those times that I need someone to hang on. He lends me stuffs and gave me advice. Now that I am all better. I want to repay, but he said he is good. Then one time, he is requesting something to me that is against my will, and he rebuts to me what he did for. Now I am confused about what to do.
No Name
Helping someone is an ethical thing to do when they are at the point that they need help. But there are situations that those people who seek help are pretending only to get an advantage with you. You must always choose people who you would help. When you are helping, do not expect something in return. If you are being helped and want to return the favor in ways that you can provide it is good. If the person accepts your way of gratitude and wants something inhuman, you can demand them for harassment.