What age can someone open a debit card.
A friend of mine, Ms. Rica has a daughter who is 15 years of age. She wants her child to open a bank account and have a debit card for security purposes for her daughter. They want their daughter to know the value of money while she is in a minor age. I want to know if she can be qualified to open one.
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Every parent always want their children to have an emergency money that they can easiliy access anytime they need it. One of those the easy accesses for them to send money to their children when away is through a debit card. But not every child can get an account or have a debit card from a bank they must be at least 16 years old to apply for a Debit Card.
Ddddxxxxetxh crctddctfcgggggggggggggvvvvvvbbtvfvfvvfvffvfvfvvfgbggGgtfvyicftictfifcugfctifctifcyifcyi fc you know what I do is dumb and you
Ddddxxxxetxh crctddctfcgggggggggggggvvvvvvbbtvfvfvvfvffvfvfvvfgbggGgtfvyicftictfifcugfctifctifcyifcyi fc you know what I do is dumb and you