Who is allowed to book access passes for the airport lounge?
In regards to the DBS NUS Alumni & DBS NUSS Cards, what does it take to be eligible to book access passes for the airport lounges and are bookings transferable from one to another?
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Simply put, anyone who has an NUSS membership card is able to log into the online booking facility and book the passes. This includes Sub-card holders i.e. Spouse and Junior Members, the latter of whom need to be at least 18 years and above are allowed to log into the online booking facility using their own membership IDs to book access passes to the airport lounge facilities. However, the passes that they book will be reflected under the main card holder’s account. Spouses and children, who are not NUSS Spouse Members or Junior Members respectively, are not allowed to book the facility. Irrespective, passes can be booked for them by an NUSS member in their family. Unfortunately, bookings are not transferable.